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Fitness, Mindset, Nutrition

Secrets To Effective Workouts

Our goal at Revolution Training in Stamford, CT., is to provide the most effective workouts. Why spend hours at the gym not getting the maximum from your workout? The intensity, type of exercises you do, and the correct way to do each exercise are vital to your progress. You need a plan that includes all exercise types: endurance, strength, balance, and flexibility. Every minute should count, including the five minutes of warm-up and cool-down.

HIIT—high intensity interval training—maximizes your progress.

You can make any workout a HIIT session. It’s all about alternating the intensity from peak intensity to a recovery pace. You can’t maintain maximum intensity for long. Alternating between recovery and maximum intensity allows you to extend that time and maximize the returns. People often use it for cardio and running, but you can use that format for any exercise. It turns a strength-building exercise into one that also builds endurance. You get more for your time spent exercising.

Have a cup of coffee and a snack before and after your session.

Pre-workout and post-workout snacks are vital to your workout. The pre-workout snack provides the fuel to keep you going so you do your best. It also helps boost recovery. The post-workout snack is primarily for recovery. It supplies the raw material to improve recovery, muscle protein synthesis, muscle repair, and glycogen stores. A cup of coffee before exercising stimulates the nervous system and gives you a boost or a better performance.

Focus on your form first.

The way you do any movement makes a difference when you work out. Improper form, whether landing a punch or doing a push-up, can reduce the effectiveness. If you’re doing strength-building exercises using weights, use lighter weights initially until you’ve conquered the form. For other types of exercises, go slowly, do fewer reps, and make sure the proper for becomes instinctive. As your fitness improves and your form comes naturally, then push yourself. Track your workout. Winners keep score. Track the number of sets and reps you do for a visual representation of your progress. When you have your workout written, you can seamlessly move from one exercise to another.

  • Do more compound movements. Full-body workouts and compound exercises work more than one muscle, ligament, and joint at a time. It cuts time spent in the gym compared to isolation exercises.
  • Reduce the rest time you have between exercises, sets, and repetitions. Circuit training helps boost your effectiveness. You can make it even better by resting less between stations. You’ll get more done in less time.
  • Add weight to bodyweight exercises. If you’re doing squats, they’re harder to do and will improve your progress if you have weights in your hands. If you’re walking, ankle and wrist weights help burn more calories and improve strength.
  • Schedule your workout at the same time each day. When you do, it helps it become a habit. Habits are hard to break. It also elevates the importance of your workout since it’s an appointment.

For more information, contact us today at Revolution Training

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