
The Best Supplements For Weight Loss

The Best Supplements For Weight Loss

Most people think of supplements as a way to improve health. There are supplements for vision, muscle building, weight loss, and other issues or conditions. Weight loss supplements won’t replace an exercise program and healthy diet but some will help you shed pounds. Each works differently. Some suppress your appetite while others help burn fat. Including a protein supplement can provide the building blocks for muscle, while making you feel full longer.

One study compared people using supplements to those who didn’t.

The FDA doesn’t regulate supplements like it does medications. Supplements don’t require approval. If a supplement is unsafe, it has to issue warnings. Some companies test their supplements for purity, but few studies exist on the benefits provided. That’s why there is very little evidence that they work. One study followed 70 obese adults. All 70 followed low-calorie diets and exercise programs. Half received a placebo. The other half received a supplement containing caffeine, bitter orange, raspberry ketone, garlic, and ginger. Only 45 completed the study. Of those who did, those given the supplements lost 4.2 pounds. That was 3.6 pounds more than those not taking the supplement.

Combination fat burners may help you lose weight.

Fat burners like green tea leaf extract, green coffee bean extract, and capsaicin do it by speeding up metabolism or increasing the thermogenesis hormone to burn more calories. The “magic” ingredient in green tea is catechins. The ingredient in coffee bean extract is caffeine. Capsaicin is what makes hot peppers hot and speeds up your metabolism.

L-theanine helps keep appetite in check.

L-theanine is an amino acid, the building block of protein. Like protein, it can make you feel full and cut your appetite. It can also reduce the potential for stress eating by regulating your mood. Protein powders, whether from whey or a vegetable source like pea protein, do the same. It also helps build muscle tissue that improves weight loss.

  • Vitamin B-12 is necessary for fat metabolism. There’s a link between a deficiency and fat accumulation and obesity. A deficit in vitamin B-6 can cause fatigue. High vitamin B-6 levels can cause fat to burn more efficiently.
  • Vitamin D deficiency is linked to obesity. Studies don’t indicate whether vitamin D deficiency caused obesity or obesity caused the deficiency. Supplementing may help weight loss.
  • Green powders containing a wide variety of plant-based nutrients, including prebiotic fiber, spirulina, wheat grass, and other dried fruits and vegetables, provide a variety of nutrients that aid digestion and absorption.
  • Probiotics can also boost weight loss if you have an imbalance in your gut. Studies show that obese individuals tend to have less diverse gut bacteria. Consuming probiotics and prebiotics to feed them can aid weight loss.

For more information, contact us today at Revolution Training

The Benefits Of Resistance Bands

The Benefits Of Resistance Bands

If you can’t always get to the gym in Stamford, CT, due to travel, schedule, or weather, you’ll find a lot of benefits for having resistance bands available as your home gym alternative. They provide an alternative to bodyweight exercises and don’t require an entire gym in your home. If you want an alternative to weights or bodyweight workouts, give resistance bands a try. They’re so inexpensive that if you don’t like them, you can pack them away for just emergency use without feeling guilty.

Resistance bands don’t require an entire room.

These easy-to-store muscle-building giants can be put in a drawer when not in use. They’re easy to pack so you can take them on vacation and workout in your hotel room if there’s no gym. Best of all, resistance bands are inexpensive. They cost less than weights do. You can buy a whole set that includes different resistance levels for the same price as two dumbbells, so they offer more versatility for less money.

You can use resistance bands for more than just strength training.

Resistance bands are also good for flexibility training and warming up. Nineteen studies were included in a meta-analysis that had a total of 649 subjects. Using resistance bands helped athletes warm up, improving their performance. It aided seniors by improving flexibility as well as balance. That helps reduce accidents that can lead to a long recovery and decline in health.

They keep muscles under tension longer.

Using resistance bands in conjunction with bodyweight exercises can boost the benefits you’d otherwise get from the exercise. It can challenge the muscle during all parts of the movement, both during the lengthening and shortening of the muscle. They make your body work harder, so you’ll make faster progress. You can work muscles on all planes, too. The increased resistance on all planes comes from the pull of the bands, not from gravity like dumbbells.

  • If you have a latex allergy, be more careful when purchasing resistance bands. Shop for the non-latex versions. Always check bands before each use to ensure there are no nicks and tears.
  • Resistance bands are excellent for functional fitness training, especially for seniors or people recovering from an accident or illness. You can use them seated, lying down, or standing.
  • The wide variety of resistance in one set of bands allows you to improve your strength gradually at a minimal cost. One set of bands provides workouts for various resistance levels, from the lowest resistance to ones with a lot of resistance.
  • If you’re using resistance bands as an alternative to the gym occasionally, talk to one of the trainers to get help using them. The trainer can help with exercises and movements for different muscle groups.

For more information, contact us today at Revolution Training

Male Eating Disorders Are More Common Than We Think

Male Eating Disorders Are More Common Than We Think

Most people think of young females when they hear about eating disorders, but men also have similar problems. Of every three people with eating disorders, one of them is male. Male eating disorders have been on the rise, in Stamford, CT, and around the country. Body dysmorphia isn’t limited to teenage girls and women, it impacts men at similar rates. Men and boys are far less likely to seek treatment, making it more difficult to assess the extent of the problem. The types of eating disorders include binge eating, anorexia, and bulimia.

It all starts with unrealistic expectations.

Part of the problem stems from the desire to be sexually attractive. If men or boys carry extra weight, it’s not seen as attractive. Just like their female counterparts, those flat abs and the perfect V are the ideal. Some young men suffer from anorexia nervosa where they stop eating, exercise too much, or put strict rules on the consumption of food. Some experience bulimia nervosa where they eat and then purge their body of the food. The final large group of people with eating disorders are those with binge-eating disorders who eat large amounts and then feel guilty about it.

Some male eating disorders involve the desire to be muscular, too.

Men tend to have a unique subtype of eating disorder called muscle dysmorphia. It’s the obsession with bulking up and cutting body fat to dramatically low amounts. Gaining weight can be part of muscle dysmorphia, too. In one study, one-fourth of men and boys of average weight see themselves as underweight. They want to bulk up so people see them as more masculine. While there’s nothing wrong with wanting to bulk up, many of these young men are obsessively exercising, taking steroids and supplements, and eating restrictive diets. While it may initially seem like a healthy outlet, it’s taken to extremes, affecting both mental and physical health.

There are many reasons for eating disorders.

There’s no one reason for this issue. Some people are depressed and want to find a way to make themselves more acceptable. Others are trying to control their life and do it by gaining control over what they eat. A large group of people with eating disorders have a distorted view of not only themselves but also what the perfect body should look like.

  • Some signs of eating disorders are weight fluctuations, dizziness upon standing, digestive complaints, difficulty sleeping or concentrating, and issues with unhealthy skin, teeth, hair, and nails.
  • It’s harder for men to seek treatment for eating disorders. Most programs are created for women. You can find help by calling the National Eating Disorder Association helpline.
  • While eating disorders are linked to depression and other mental health issues, further study needs to be made to identify if the eating disorder caused depression or if it was the other way around.
  • The desire to be perfect is one common need found in most people with eating disorders. The exceptions are people with binge-eating problems. They tend to have impulse control issues.

For more information, contact us today at Revolution Training

Can You Relieve Arthritis Pain With Diet And Exercise?

Can You Relieve Arthritis Pain With Diet And Exercise?

As doctors and scientists learn more about arthritis, they find more and more ways to relieve arthritis pain naturally. While medication can help deal with pain, medication can have unwanted side effects/ Solutions like a healthy diet for inflammation and regular exercise also have side effects, but they’re side effects people appreciate, like weight loss, a healthier life, and a general improvement in health. The type of food you eat and the type of exercise you do make a difference in arthritic pain, so always check with your healthcare professional first.

A healthy diet that contains whole foods can benefit people with arthritis.

One of the first things you should do if you have arthritis is to cut out food with added sugar and highly refined foods. Sugar causes inflammation, just as alcohol and refined carbs do. Arthritis is caused by inflammation, so limiting the foods that cause it is the first line of defense. Choosing food that reduces inflammation is the dietary change you should make. Luckily, many foods fit that category.

Foods that reduce inflammation should be at every meal.

At the top of the list of foods to eat should be cruciferous vegetables. These include cabbage, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and kale. The sulforaphane in cruciferous vegetables slows the damage to cartilage caused by osteoarthritis. Eating food that reduces inflammation like those with omega-3, such as fatty fish, walnuts, and flaxseed. Foods with the phytonutrient anthocyanin are also inflammation fighters. Anthocyanin makes blueberries blue. It’s also found in tart cherry juice, giving it a deep red color. Grapes and olive oil both provide anti-inflammatory properties that can bring relief.

Use a guided exercise program with low-impact exercises.

If the location of your arthritis is in your hips, knees, or lower body, a high-impact exercise program might do further damage. Include flexibility and strength training in your workout. Flexibility training improves the range of motion and loosens joints to relieve pain. Strength-building improves muscle and tendon strength to reduce pressure on the joints. Exercise also stimulates the circulation of synovial fluid that cushions the joints and provides nutrients. You also need aerobic exercise to keep your heart healthy.

  • Spices add flavoring and can reduce inflammation. Turmeric, garlic, and ginger are spices that can provide relief. They provide anti-inflammatory benefits to relieve pain. The diallyl disulfide in garlic may rebuild cartilage.
  • Besides increasing food with omega-3 fatty acids, you should decrease foods high in omega-6. You should also reduce saturated fat and trans fats, foods high in salt, nightshades like potatoes and tomatoes, and food high in purines, such as organ meat.
  • If you’re overweight, losing weight can help relieve the suffering, particularly if arthritis is in the hips or knees. Eating healthy food and exercising to shed those pounds also provide a multitude of benefits.
  • Increase your vitamin C and vitamin D intake. Eating food high in vitamin C can help relieve pain and so can getting vitamin D. Whether you do safe sunning, eat fortified foods, or take a supplement, vitamin D has been shown to prevent, slow, and reduce arthritis inflammation.

For more information, contact us today at Revolution Training

Best Ways To Stay Hydrated During Exercise

Best Ways To Stay Hydrated During Exercise

If you’re boxing, jumping rope, or doing any type of exercise at Revolution Training in Stamford, CT, it’s important to remember the fundamentals, like warming up and proper form, or remembering to stay hydrated. Those fitness tips are just as important as the latest exercises. Staying hydrated may seem insignificant or too simple to be important. Its simplicity is often the reason people forget to do it. Lack of hydration can diminish your performance and if you allow the problem to continue, cause serious issues. Here are some tips to help you stay hydrated.

Set an alarm on your phone to remind you to drink water.

Set your alarm to ring two or three hours before you exercise and remind you to consume two to three cups of water to get your body prepared for a workout. Don’t guzzle water right before you workout. It can upset your digestive system. Ensuring you are fully hydrated before you begin a sweaty workout provides several benefits. You’ll have more energy since dehydration can cause lethargy, and hydrating boosts energy. You’ll also be less dehydrated, especially if you sip water throughout your session.

Always have a bottle of water with you and sip on it frequently.

You should have bottled water in your gym bag or an empty water bottle to fill at the gym. If you become adjusted to having water ready, you’ll be more likely to drink it. Do you hate plain water? Some people do. If your workout is intense, carry a sports drink that replaces electrolytes. For a more moderate workout, plain water or infused water will do. You can make it yourself by adding fruit, vegetables, or herbs to water and allowing them to remain for several hours. When you remove them, the water will have a light flavor.

Track the fluid you drink and how you feel.

Understanding your fluid requirement is necessary to ensure you get enough water. Drink water when you feel tired. You’ll be surprised how drinking plain water can invigorate and energize you. You’ll start to recognize the signs of dehydration and be able to calculate your needs. That understanding helps you set a goal for daily fluid intake, including before and after exercise.

  • If you’re hungry for something after a workout, before you eat, drink water. You might find it solves the problem. Sometimes thirst masks itself as hunger.
  • Learn to recognize the signs of dehydration. It can cause mental confusion, exhaustion, headaches, and dry mouth. Lighter yellow urine is a sign you’re hydrated. Lack of skin turgor is a sign of dehydration.
  • If you eat a lot of fresh fruit and vegetables, your fluid needs will be lower. Fruits and vegetables like watermelon, celery, and cucumbers contain a high amount of liquid that helps keep your body hydrated.
  • If your workout is strenuous or you sweat a lot, drink about 4 to 8 ounces of fluid every 15 minutes. Sip on it, don’t guzzle it. Drinking too much water too fast can have negative consequences.

For more information, contact us today at Revolution Training

The Benefits Of High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

The Benefits Of High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

If you aren’t already doing high intensity interval training—HIIT, you should be. There are many benefits you can’t get from a steady-state workout. HIIT workouts aren’t a specific exercise, but a way of doing any exercise. Unlike steady-state workouts where you use the same intensity throughout, you alternate the intensity of a HIIT workout between peak intensity and a recovery pace. If you run, for example, run at top speed for a short period, then slow to a recovery pace for the same amount of time or longer.

You’ll burn tons of calories in less time.

When you’re exercising at peak intensity, you burn a lot more calories than you do at a steady-state pace. One study followed several exercises, including those performed in HIIT mode. They found that HIIT workouts burned up to 30% more calories in the half-hour session. If you’re short on time, a HIIT workout provides the same calorie-burning benefits as a longer exercise session.

The calories you burn during a HIIT workout come mainly from fat.

One study found that HIIT workouts and moderate steady-state workouts both burn fat, minimizing waist circumference and reducing overall body fat, but HIIT workouts were more effective and did it with less exercise time invested. HIIT workouts also increase your metabolism for hours to keep the calorie-burning fires going. Compared to other types of exercise, you’ll burn more calories after the workout. It’s the high intensity that causes the increase in metabolic rate.

HIIT workouts can improve your health markers.

You’ll lower your blood pressure, heart rate, and blood sugar levels. One study showed that 8 weeks of HIIT workouts done 3 times a week for 20 minutes reduced blood pressure and heart rate as much as a half hour a day 4 days a week of steady-state moderate exercising. HIIT workouts were also found beneficial for lowering blood glucose levels and reducing insulin resistance, a precursor for diabetes.

  • HIIT workouts can improve oxygen consumption. HIIT workouts provide the same benefits as much longer sessions of steady-state exercises. All studies show shorter sessions of HIIT improve oxygen consumption as much as longer sessions of moderate exercise.
  • Both anaerobic and aerobic performance improves with HIIT workouts. Just a few HIIT sessions throughout the week. Aerobic performance is traditionally cardio, while anaerobic refers to strength-building workouts.
  • HIIT workouts can boost muscle building. No matter what type of workout you do, HIIT can help build muscles. It’s more effective if used with strength training.
  • HIIT workouts can offer variety and be a backup when you don’t have much time. Since it’s high intensity, you can’t do it every day. On alternate days use recovery exercises like walking or swimming.

For more information, contact us today at Revolution Training

Is Joining A Sports Team Right For You?

Is Joining A Sports Team Right For You?

There are benefits to joining sports teams. The benefits go beyond personal ones and extend to helping others. The Real Fight Club Stamford is one example of that. It was created to raise money for the youth program and provides a valuable service. It also offers members many benefits. While preparing for the fight, you’ll get into shape and experience other benefits that group sports can offer.

Some group sports require more conditioning than others.

Unlike other group sports, when you’re in the ring, you have to be in far better shape than if you’re on a basketball court or softball field. You don’t get a chance to rest while you’re waiting for the ball to come to you or your turn at bat. You’re on call to constantly perform. Even if your choice of group sports isn’t as demanding as boxing, you still get exercise. If you’re not an athlete, it’s harder to stay active, especially when you’re working. A team sport can keep you active and help you stay in shape.

You’ll make friends in group sports and socialize.

You don’t have to be new to a city to have a limited social life. As people age, neighbors, family, and work friends tend to be their core group. The bigger the city, the less apt you are to make friends with neighbors, limiting your social life to family and work friends. Group sports can provide an opportunity to extend your social community and find like-minded people who enjoy a more active lifestyle.

Besides physical health benefits, there are mental health benefits.

If you feel like you’re ready to explode at the end of the day, then adult sports teams may be perfect for you. The exercise is a great stress reducer and the comradery and fun add to the mood improvement. Both the reduction of stress and the increased circulation can help sharpen your focus so you’ll work more efficiently. Boxing is an excellent stress reliever that lets you eliminate the day’s frustrations in the ring.

  • You’ll improve self-discipline when you join a group sport by preparing your body, sticking with the program, and improving your skills to function your best and not letting the team down.
  • Team and group sports can boost your confidence. Part of the reason is that you’re fitter, so you’ll walk taller and look more confident. That makes people treat you as though you were confident. The other boost is the confidence you get from achieving new goals unrelated to work goals.
  • It’s fun to play group sports. As an adult, it’s hard to find a fun and healthy outlet. Group sports provide both. It offers the opportunity to make new friends, work off stress, and enjoy getting fit.
  • If you have a competitive side that you can’t hold back, you can make the most of it on a sports field. Friendly competition provides an incentive to improve skills. Group sports help cultivate skills used on and off the job.

For more information, contact us today at Revolution Training

What Should I Wear On My Run?

What Should I Wear On My Run?

I’ve written about running before because it plays an important role in training for boxing. Great boxers like Mohammed Ali have always included running in their training. Preparing to run in Stamford, CT, can determine your benefit from that endurance training. Not only do you have to plan a safe route, but also what to wear when you run. It’s not about fashion but about getting the most from the run and helping to keep you safe while you’re running.

The right shoes make a difference.

Investing time and money in the best running shoes is vital. Your shoes can affect your running and prevent injuries. It’s not about name brands but getting the right fit. Go to a store that specializes in running shoes and clothing. You have some options to consider besides fit. Where are you going to run? If you’re going to run on trails, you’ll need a thicker tread than if you’re running on asphalt. Do you want more cushioning or lightweight shoes? Cushioned shoes are beneficial for heavier individuals and new runners. Only you can decide what feels comfortable.

If you have running shoes, you need running socks.

Choose your running socks before you get your shoes. Wear them when you shop for shoes. Their thickness makes a difference in how the shoes fit. Your socks also make a difference whether moisture is wicked away from your feet or if you get blisters. Choose synthetic blends with acrylic, polyester, or CoolMax materials in warm weather and wool blends for the winter. If you’re prone to blisters, thicker socks may help.

The rest of your clothing is common sense and your decision.

You don’t have to look like you stepped out of a running magazine when you go for a run. However, common sense dictates a few things. Wear layers you can remove as you become warmer, especially in cold weather. Look for clothing that wicks sweat and won’t chafe. Use clothing made of higher-tech fabric that can keep you both warm and dry in the colder months and cool and dry in the hotter ones. Avoid cotton, especially if you want your running clothes to last longer.

  • If you’re running early in the morning or later in the evening, wear reflective clothing to be safer. There are shoes with reflective materials, hats, shirts, and pants. The easier it is to see you when it’s dark, the safer you are.
  • The style of sock you choose is a personal choice. Low-cut socks near the ankle are the most comfortable for some, while others like calf-high or higher socks with extra support. The weather also can determine the type of socks you wear.
  • In cold weather, warm up before you run so you don’t overdress. If there’s a chance of wearing too many layers, make the top layers something you can remove and tie around your waist when you get warm.
  • Women should have a good sports bra for support. Compression socks may also be beneficial for recovery. Wear gear that has pockets or use a pack to carry your phone. Having a phone is vital for emergencies.

For more information, contact us today at Revolution Training

How To Fit In Exercise During The Workweek

How To Fit In Exercise During The Workweek

If you find it difficult to fit in exercise during the workweek or on busy weekends, you need to take time to plan. Busy people are often stressed people. Exercising is vital to their health. If you have a specific time in your schedule that you exercise, you’re halfway to your goal. The task then becomes planning for those days when life interrupts that schedule. Whether it’s a trip with the family, an out-of-town business meeting, or overtime at work keeping you busy, there’s a way to include exercise in your day.

Start with a daily schedule.

Whether your workload is always the same or it ebbs and flows, putting your workout on your schedule is vital for consistency. Are your mornings hectic? Schedule your workout later in the day. Does your day start to fall apart as soon as you walk into the office, and you often work far longer than you planned? Schedule your workout in the morning, even if you are a night owl. Choose the time you’ll be able to do it consistently.

Focus on shorter sessions throughout the day.

If you can’t find a block of time, break your exercise into shorter sessions you do throughout the day. You can even combine it with your family life. Do a five to ten-minute workout with the kids when you get home. It will herald your arrival and become a family tradition everyone will enjoy.

Chose the best type of workout.

Intensity makes a difference. The more intense workouts are, the shorter they can be. Instead of doing steady-state workouts, do HIIT—high intensity interval training—ones. HIIT isn’t a specific exercise but a way of doing any exercise. You alternate between the highest intensity possible and a recovery pace throughout the workout. You’ll get the same benefit in half the time. Circuit training and kettlebell workouts can also cut exercise time.

  • On days you don’t come to the gym, find ways to incorporate exercise into your life. Walk to lunch, take the stairs, and get up and move about for five minutes every hour. Walk or dance with the kids after work.
  • You can do some exercises at your desk. Thigh presses, twists, stretches, and desk planks are a few that will help you stay in shape. Create a desk workout schedule for those busy days when you need the extra time to workout. Break your workout into five to ten-minute sessions.
  • If you meet with the guys or gals after work for a drink or coffee, ask if they might want to switch and meet at the gym. It can bring relief from stress and make everyone healthier.
  • Evaluate your workday. Are you really too busy to exercise, or are you using that as an excuse because you don’t like exercising? If it’s the latter, find something active you enjoy, like boxing, and use that as your exercise.

For more information, contact us today at Revolution Training