Most people starting a diet worry about the number of carbs or calories the diet contains. They often cut out grains to reduce calorie or carb count. Some people eliminate grains for digestive issues. Gluten intolerance and celiac disease can be serious issues. Some people have health issues that limit whole grains, while others shouldn’t eat processed grains. People with specific health issues have valid reasons to avoid some grains. There are also reasons to include them in a healthy diet. It’s all about the type of grain you choose.
Mother Nature protects seeds.
Grains are seeds. In nature, the species’ survival, whether plant or animal, rules. Everything to accomplish the goal has been done through centuries of change. Propagation is ensured by scattering seeds so the plants can thrive. Birds or animals eat grains. The hard shell and enzyme inhibitor prolamin, a type of lectin, protects seeds so they travel through the digestive system unscathed until the bird or animal excretes them. When excreted, the seeds are surrounded by waste that acts as fertilizer. If there’s adequate soil and water, it grows. If conditions aren’t right, the enzyme inhibitor prevents the seed from sprouting. That same inhibitor blocks digestive enzymes and interferes with digestion.
Grains contain phytic acid, complex proteins, and lectins.
Phytic acid is an antinutrient. It minimizes the absorption of magnesium, copper, calcium, iron, and zinc. Some contain gluten, which is a complex protein. Gluten is difficult to digest because it combines two proteins that can cause glycation. It leads to AGEs—Advanced Glycation End Products. AGEs increase the risk of diabetes and digestive inflammation. That can lead to intestinal damage or an autoimmune response. Most of today’s wheat is a hybrid containing higher amounts of gluten to give it the stretchiness. Another lectin in grains is agglutinin, a natural pesticide.
It’s all about the processing and type of grain.
If you have gluten intolerance or celiac disease, avoid grains with gluten. If you want to remove phytic acid, enzyme inhibitors, or lectins, soak the grain, sprout it, or ferment it before grinding it. For the heart-healthy benefits, choose whole grains. They contain all parts of the grain. These include the bran, germ, and endosperm. The bran is fiber. The germ has all the nutrients. Highly processed grain only contains the endosperm containing starch, a small amount of protein, and a bit of oil.
- Seeds found that were thousands of years old. They were still viable. They were in sealed containers in the pyramids and sprouted once watered. That’s proof the enzyme inhibitors did their job.
- White flour is bleached and contains additives that extend its shelf life. Most foods containing white flour have empty calories from the flour and added sugar. Both increase health risks.
- People with gluten intolerance can eat grains without gluten. These include millet, amaranth, oatmeal, sorghum, brown rice, barley, and kamut.
- Sprouted grain has more folate, fiber, beneficial amino acids, and polyphenols are available. Dry and grind them to create a more nutritious flour.
For more information, contact us today at Revolution Training
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