Your weight isn’t the only way to measure your progress. It often doesn’t matter, especially if you’re building muscles. At Revolution Training in Stamford, CT we focus on a well-rounded program that helps you build muscle, lose fat and become the best you can be. If you rely too heavily on the scales and weigh in several times a day, you may become discouraged. Weight fluctuates daily. It doesn’t steadily drop but drops and rises, having bigger dips and lower highs as you progress. Many things can affect weight loss, even when you’re making progress.
Are you building more muscles and burning fat?
When you build muscle tissue, you might not see the weight loss you’d have if you were just dieting. Muscle tissue weighs more per cubic inch than fat tissue does, so the more you have, the heavier you’ll be. However, if you build muscle, but don’t shed a pound, you’ll also look thinner. You could compare fat tissue to feathers and muscle tissue to iron. The container holding a pound of feathers will be bigger than the one holding iron. Tracking your measurements can help prevent discouragement.
Changes don’t occur overnight and your memory blurs.
If you could see changes in just a few days from living a healthier lifestyle, everyone would do it. It would be motivating. Unfortunately, they don’t happen quickly and people often forget how they looked when they started. If you want to stay motivated, you can create your album of success by snapping a few pictures. You’ll need a full-length mirror or someone to help you. Stand at the same spot each time and wear the same clothing that reveals your body shape. Every two weeks to a month take a picture. You’ll be able to see a dramatic difference after a few months.
Your belly tells its own story.
If part of your fitness problem is belly fat, tracking your waist measurements will help you get a better idea of the progress you’re making. Belly fat is visceral fat, which crowds your organs. Not only is it the most dangerous, but it’s also the hardest to lose. If you take no other measurements, your waist circumference will give you a good idea of your progress.
- Identify your reason for starting a fitness program and use that to measure your progress. For instance, if high blood pressure or health issues made you start, track your blood pressure.
- Keep an eye on your productivity and your energy level. Are you getting more done in less time? When you’re fit, you not only move quicker, you have more mental clarity. Whether physical or mental, you’ll get tasks done better and quicker.
- Can you pinch an inch of fat? Skinfold calipers are a way to judge the amount of subcutaneous fat. That’s the fat just below the skin. Measure the area on the hip bone, the triceps, the abdomen and the thighs.
- Use clothing to measure progress. When you first start, find a piece of clothing that fits way too tight, like a pair of jeans. Use it to measure your progress. When they fit comfortably, not too tight, you’ve reached one goal.
For more information, contact us today at Revolution Training